Idealab Arizona, a partner of Idealab Studio, the leading technology incubator, announced the launch of a startup studio that co-founds Arizona State University-affiliated tech startups to increase commercialized intellectual property, startups and jobs in Arizona. Idealab Arizona will focus on startups in climate, medical, AI and advanced manufacturing to drive sustainable solutions for a healthier planet and humankind.
Foxlink Group, a global electronics manufacturer and Apple supplier, is set to expand its operations in Phoenix just two years after establishing its presence in Arizona. The company will invest $20 million to create 100 new jobs over the next three years, boosting its manufacturing capacity in the state.
Seven Arizona small businesses have been announced as awardees for the Federal and State Technology (FAST) Grant, a program designed to support innovative, technology-driven small businesses in Arizona. The FAST program provides funding, resources, and training to help entrepreneurs succeed in their Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) proposals.
Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) plays a key role in meeting the demand for skilled workers in Arizona’s growing advanced manufacturing sector. MCCCD’s workforce development solutions include programs that leverage industry partnerships, boot camps, apprenticeships, and certificate and degree programs.
Join Plug and Play accelerateAZ, a program of the Arizona Commerce Authority for Selection Day on October 22. The event will feature presentations and discussions from innovative manufacturing and sustainability startups.
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