Here is a list of Hopi nonprofit organizations operated by members of the Hopi tribe:
- Hopi Foundation: A community-based organization focused on preserving and revitalizing Hopi culture through education, art, and community development initiatives.
- Hopi Education Endowment Fund: Dedicated to providing scholarships and educational resources to Hopi students pursuing higher education.
- Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture Institute: A nonprofit that promotes sustainable agriculture, permaculture, and traditional farming practices on the Hopi Reservation.
- Mesa Media, Inc.: Mesa Media’s mission is to revitalize the Hopi language, which encompasses the philosophy of land stewardship maintained by Hopi people for centuries.
- Hopi Tourism Association: Focused on addressing tourism on the Hopi Nation while bringing our Hopi People’s voices to the table. One of the top objectives of the Tourism Strategic Plan project is to expose Hopi tourism advocates to best practices and current tourism research.
- 4th World Foundation: We are a team of Indigenous founders and part-time volunteers committed to helping fellow Native Americans.
- Hopi Relief: This grassroots effort was created as a tribute to our founders’ late father, Randy Kaye Sr., and grandparents, Etta and Jasper Kaye.
- Hopi Tewa Women’s Coalition to End Abuse: HTWCEA is a nonprofit, nongovernmental tribal coalition incorporated in Arizona to provide training, technical assistance, policy development, and advocacy support to tribal and nontribal government program/agencies, and awareness on domestic violence and sexual assault-related issues to the general public.
- Black Mesa Trust: Black Mesa Trust was founded in 1999 by the Hopi people to address the severe environmental impact and destruction that Peabody Coal Company’s water withdrawals (from the Navajo Aquifer) were having on the environment, and the cultures of the Hopi and Diné (Navajo) people living on Black Mesa.
- Hopi Credit Association: The Hopi Credit Association is a Native Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) loan fund. As a Native CDFI the HCA is dedicated to the realization of full economic development for Hopi Tribal members.
- Hopi Three Mesas, Inc.: The mission is to strengthen and revitalize Hopi culture, language, and life. H3M will dedicate its resources to improving the general welfare, health, safety, and social and economic stability of Hopi villages, the Hopi Tribe, and its members, wherever they reside.
- Hopitututuqaiki: Hopitutuqaiki will create opportunities through a supportive learning environment where people share unique talents using the strengths of Hopi language, values, and culture. Students will attain personal goals and life skills to use within and outside of their Hopi homeland.
- Moenkopi Developers Corporation: Moenkopi Developers Corporation, Inc. (MDC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, was established with a mission of economic development for the Upper Village of Moenkopi (UVM).
- Paaqavi Incorporated: Paaqavi Incorporated, a 501 (C),(3) Non-profit, was formed in 1994. The overall mission is to improve the quality of life on a grass roots, community level.
Please note that this list is not exhaustive and may not include all currently operating Hopi nonprofit organizations. It’s always a good idea to verify the status and activities of these organizations through official sources before making any contributions or inquiries.