April 25, 2024
Dear Tribal Stakeholders,
Here is a brief rundown of news you might find helpful from the State Broadband Office.
The Governor’s Office Introduces New Interagency Broadband Working Group Meetings for Tribes
The goal of the new Tribal Working Group is to provide feedback on the unique barriers and limitations of broadband and digital equity in tribal communities and help determine community driven solutions and increased areas for collaboration between Tribes and the state. Please register using the link below. The agenda is attached.
4/25 | 2:00-3:30PM | Broadband and Digital Equity in Tribal Communities | https://azcommerce.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkd-usrzwrEtM7EZ3ltJebwMbrIi3hDOnC |
The BEAD Challenge Office Hours
The State Broadband Office offers 30-minute office hour appointments every Tuesday from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (MST) Permissible Challengers including units/entities of local and tribal governments, non-profits (tribal non-profits), and internet service providers in need of assistance with portal and challenge-related questions may attend office hours. Office hours will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, to reserve a time slot with our team, please click here.
All challenges for BEAD must be submitted no later than May 14, 2024!
Community Broadband and Digital Equity Newsletter, coming soon!
Stay engaged, stay informed by scanning the QR code below to be added to our digital newsletter. The newsletter will replace this email going forward.
As always, our team is available if you would like to schedule an online or in-person meeting to discuss any aspects of the work we’re doing for Broadband connectivity and Digital Equity. Please email our Community Engagement Manager Kelly Krusee at kellyk@azcommerce.com.
This will be my last email as the Tribal Liaison for the Arizona Commerce Authority. It’s been my pleasure to serve our tribal communities and learn from your leaders and community members about all the ways we’re working collectively to improve the quality of life for all. I’ve witnessed the determination and tireless advocacy on behalf of our communities, and while it is a bittersweet departure, I will continue this work in a broader capacity. Thank you for making this work so meaningful – we are the change we want to see and you’ve all inspired me. If anyone would like to stay connected feel free to reply to this email or connect with me on LinkedIn. My last day is this Friday, April 26, 2024.
In Community,
Candace Hamana
ACA Tribal Liaison